How to recognize extra virgin olive oil
How to recognize extra virgin olive oil? The best way to tell if extra virgin
In the 2024 oil campaign, 450 bottles of extra virgin olive oil were produced in a special format, also characterized by the laser-engraved wooden label, a dedication that the sons Nicola and Lorenzo Cancila wanted to make to their mother Marianna.
This is an extra virgin olive oil produced with two varieties of olives:
– La Crastu, native of the Madonie Park.
– The Nocellara del Belice, Sicilian excellence, the only one to have received two awards
DOP in Europe.
Extra virgin olive oil with a green color and decidedly intense fruitiness, with important bitter and spicy notes, well expressed and balanced.
Where and how was Olio Cancila born?
The Cancila farm is located in Sicily, in Castelbuono (PA), in the heart of the Madonie Natural Park.
The ten hectares of land were used for animal husbandry until 2005. The animals that fed on the crops prevented the healthy growth of the existing centuries-old plants. In 2006, after his retirement, our father Vincenzo Cancila decided to devote his work, his experience and his passion entirely to a long and demanding pruning to allow his trees to flourish.
Dove e come nasce Olio Cancila?
L’Azienda Agricola Cancila si trova in Sicilia, a Castelbuono (PA), nel cuore del Parco Naturale delle Madonie.
I dieci ettari di terra fino al 2005 erano adibiti all’allevamento di bestiame. Gli animali nutrendosi delle piante utili, impedivano alle piante secolari presenti una sana crescita. Nel 2006, una volta in pensione, il nostro papà Vincenzo Cancila decise di dedicare completamente il suo lavoro, la sua esperienza e la sua passione ad una potatura lunga e impegnativa per permettere ai suoi alberi di rifiorire.
Our olive oil follows a strict treatment policy starting from the trees, to the bottling, passing through the cold pressing.
How to recognize extra virgin olive oil? The best way to tell if extra virgin
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most important products of Italian cuisine in
Cold pressing is a technique for extracting oil that guarantees higher quality. Knowing the oil
Extra virgin olive oil is our green gold, the flagship product of our family business
Ditta Individuale di Macaluso Maria Anna
P.IVA: 06784610823
Sede Operativa: Contrada Fiumara snc
90013 - Castelbuono (PA)
Ditta Individuale di Macaluso Maria Anna
P.IVA: 06784610823
Sede Operativa: Contrada Fiumara snc
90013 - Castelbuono (PA)
Sede Legale: Via Mustafà, 51 – 90013 – Castelbuono (PA)
Codice ATECO: 012600
Commercio al dettaglio di prodotti via internet
Codice per fatturazione elettronica: w7yvjk9
PEC: nicolacancila@pec.it
Lorenzo Cancila
Nicola Cancila
Olio Cancila Shop
Olio Cancila Shop
Olio Cancila Shop
Sede Legale: Via Mustafà, 51 – 90013 – Castelbuono (PA) – Codice ATECO: 012600 – Commercio al dettaglio di prodotti via internet – Codice per fatturazione elettronica: w7yvjk9 – PEC: azienda@pec.oliocancila.it
Ditta Individuale di Macaluso Maria Anna
P.IVA: 06784610823
Sede Operativa: Contrada Fiumara snc
90013 - Castelbuono (PA)
Sede Legale: Via Mustafà, 51 – 90013 – Castelbuono (PA)
Codice ATECO: 012600
Commercio al dettaglio di prodotti via internet
Codice per fatturazione elettronica: w7yvjk9
PEC: azienda@pec.oliocancila.it